Alright, so I'm finally getting my life together (kind of). I know what types of careers I'd love to do, I'm applying to jobs nonstop (so I can get out of retail and into a regular career), and I'm puttering away at writing my novel. The novel part has proven to be a lot more difficult than I expected. It's based on things that happened in my life, so I thought it'd be easy. However, I'm adding some fiction to it and changing names alone can be pretty exhausting. Maybe I'm making too much of it. I mean, instead of just changing a guy's name to something easy like, "Pete," I think,
Well, he doesn't look or act like a Pete. I'm not totally sure what a "Pete" might look or act like, though. Anyway, at least I"m putting a ton of thought into it, right?

So, I think I'm finally ready to meet a guy and have a real relationship. When I started this blog, I intended on dating a lot more than I ended up doing. I just got busy, and to be totally honest, I wasn't actually
ready for a relationship. I think I am now, and the only way to actually find out is to go for it! But where do I meet guys? I'm not the type of girl to just strike up a conversation with a stranger unless I have a question about something and a cute guy just so happens to be around. So, I've been doing a little research (it really only consisted of a Google search "where to meet men" and I read a Cosmo article, which is listed at the end of this post).
I've discovered that I can find at least one reason, that I think is valid, why I most likely won't meet a guy in any of these places. But, here goes, places to meet men!
- The Apple store - Because guys love gadgets and technology and you can easily meet a man there. OK, I see what you're saying, and it makes perfect sense. However, I don't know about everyone else, but the only Apple store near me is terrible. It always feels like it's 10 million degrees in the store, and it smells kind of funny. Not like B.O. or anything, but as if every single person that has come in and out of the store has been wearing clothes that haven't been washed. I don't want to spend time in there if I don't have to.
- The gym, more specifically, the weight room - I actually think this is a good place, but not for me. I work out with a trainer at the gym, because Lord knows there is no way I'm just going to voluntarily lift weights and push myself to the extent I need to be pushed. Cardio is one thing, I like testing my limits, but weights? No way. Anyway, when I work out with the trainer, I sometimes see this really, really cute guy. But I'd probably never talk to him. What do I say? You might be thinking, "Start by telling him your name!" Then what? If some guy just came up to me and told me his name I'd probably say, "Um, ok," and get back to working out. When I work out, I don't want to be disturbed or interrupted.
- A Fortune 500 or tech company - Um, ok. Who's going to give me a job there???
I know there are plenty of more resources and articles about where to meet men. A lot suggest online dating, but its just not my thing. It's really hard to sweep me off my feet on the Internet, especially if you have poor grammar. Other articles have suggested meeting guys through friends, but that's awkward if it doesn't work out.
Anyway, I know I'll figure it out, and not in some cheesy way. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen (at least, that's what I keep telling myself)!
Cosmo article: