I've never really thought about creating an actual checklist of qualities my dream man would have until a few years ago when I saw a few episodes of the show Tough Love on VH1. On this show, a professional matchmaker helps women find men while teaching them valuable love lessons on the way. Sometimes it comes down to a girl just not caring enough about herself, or being too insecure, not knowing how to talk to guys, etc. There was one lady on the show that had a checklist of her dream man, and the matchmaker, Steve, told her to ditch that list. I understand why he made her get rid of it, it's not fair to you or your potential mate to have a list of qualifications they must meet. What if your list has 10 things on it, and he/she only has seven or eight of those qualities? You could still be missing out on something really great!
On the other hand, I can see the good side of such a list. Throughout all of my relationships I constantly find myself relieved when I realize this guy doesn't do that annoying thing so-and-so did, but usually the new guy ends up doing something bogus (I know some day I'll meet a guy that doesn't do bogus things, but so far that's mostly what I've encountered...come on, good guys! I'm waiting!). I think it's only natural to create these mental checklists based on past experiences, after all, you should be trying to improve, right?
Maybe you're thinking it isn't fair for a woman (or anyone) to have a list in mind, maybe now you'll go on a date wondering if the other person is mentally checking items off the list or not, but we all have some form of a list. For example, you don't approach someone with hopes of getting their phone number unless they meet your physical checklist, or at least part of it. Would you walk up to someone you find totally unattractive and try to date them? Maybe that sounds harsh, but physical attraction is usually a reason people start talking (correct me if I'm wrong).
On another note, when I was on OkCupid for a short period of time, I was asked to fill out part of my profile that was titled, "What I'm looking for." This just invites all those lists! I must admit, this was a hard one to fill out. How do I single out a group of guys? Even more mind boggling, does any guy even meet all the qualities of my checklist? He could, but still be a jerk. I guess I'll have to add, "not a jerk" to the list, just in case. Anyway, with much consideration, I've decided to compile a list of things I look for in a guy. These aren't mandatory, but I think it'd be pretty sweet if I could find someone like this!
1. Taller than me...I love to wear heels! Plus, I'm only 5'4 so this isn't very hard to do.
2. Nice arms
3. Not skrawny. Total turnoff (for me).
4. No long hair
5. Nice teeth (Trivial? Perhaps, but I can't help what I like!)
6. Showers regularly (Yes, I've had some stinkers hit on me).
1. Sweet - You can say sweet things, they don't need to be cheesy. Everyone likes to hear they're beautiful!
2. Funny - With a similar sense of humor as me. I'm pretty sarcastic and sometimes people don't get it. If you can make me laugh until I cry that would be outstanding.
3. Romantic - Yes, I'd like to randomly receive flowers or something, even just once.
4. Mature, with the ability to be totally goofy sometimes. By mature I mean you're out of your frat-boy partying phase.
5. Responsible - This goes along with maturity.
6. Not a jerk.
7. Confident, not conceited, cocky or arrogant. There's a big difference!
8. Outgoing
9. Flirty
10. Respectful
11. Intelligent. I constantly try to learn new things and I Google pretty much everything. I often blurt out completely useless information. Did you know in Disney World, if someone vomits on a ride they call it a protein spill?
12. Doesn't need to spend every day with me. I'm not ready for that.
13. Isn't intimidated by my fear of commitment.
14. Likes me for who I am!
15. Loves to travel...because I pretty much want to go everywhere in the world!
I think it's pretty simple. I could have gotten super cheesy and added something about holding hands in public and making me tingle every time we kiss and blah blah blah. But why? If there's a real "spark" there, that stuff will just happen. At least I hope it would.
Dr. Temperance Brennan & Special Agent Seeley Booth, Bones |
Maybe my list seems short, but it's all I can come up with without narrowing my options down to some guy you only read about in a fairytale or see in a movie. I think the personality qualities I look for are all ones I have, so I don't think it's too much to ask for in a potential mate. I know people out there have lists, but I'm curious what they include on theirs! Feel free to share!